Thoracic Lung Scanning in calves

At IMVi we're proud to provide students of Veterinary Medicine the opportunity to apply ultrasound in their externships. This gives students the chance to familiarize themselves with technology they will use regularly after graduation, with the assistance of their veterinary mentor.

Recently, Kayla Miller, CVM student at the University of Wisconsin took advantage of this opportunity while on her externship with Dr. Terri Ollivett.  


Miller comments on her experience, "Lung scanning went great, all you need is a portable linear probe and some alcohol. I spent a week scanning with Dr. Ollivett learning her scoring system and then a week rotating with different clinics that are actually using weekly lung scanning on farms for calf health checks."

Below is a collection of the images Miller saved from her experience.

Lungs 1
Lung Image 1
Normal lung is visible on the left side of the photo (dorsal) with lobar consolidation on the right (ventral). The consolidation is bronchophenumonia from bacterial infection.

Lungs 2
Lung Image 2
Normal lung with a small lobular lesion on the left side of the image. The heart is also coming into view on the right side of the image.

Lungs 3
Lung Image 3
Small amount of normal lung on the left with lobar consolidation taking up the majority of the right side of the screen.

If you are interested is scheduling a wireless Easi-Scan:Go ultrasound kit for your next externship, apply here.

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