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Dec 14, 2021
Webinar: Physiology of reproduction in female swine
Join us for our upcoming webinar, Physiology of reproduction in female swine, presented by Dr. Johannes Kauffold, Prof. Dr. Habil. ECPHM, University...
Nov 9, 2021
University of Illinois Lunch & Lab
IMV imaging proudly sponsor lunches and wet labs for Colleges of Veterinary Medicine to provide educational experiences to students prior to entering...
Sep 24, 2021
AABP Conference 2021
It's here, the much anticipated conference we've been waiting to attend in person again, AABP. As usual our team has orchestrated new clinical...
Sep 9, 2021
Putting the ease in easi
Have you ever wondered why our top selling bovine ultrasound is called Easi-Scan? Probably not, because we coined the ultrasound the same way we...
Jun 21, 2021
Complete Thoracic Ultrasound
Thoracic ultrasound is a diagnostic tool which can be easily utilized on the farm to gain additional information about pulmonary pathology in dairy...
Jun 9, 2021
How To: Examine the Equine Stifle
We at IMV imaging are delighted to launch our new video series focusing on imaging of the equine stifle. This free four-part "how-to" video series...
May 14, 2021
Calf lung scan protocol empowers profitable decisions
In the most recent edition of Progressive Dairy, Editor Peggy Coffeen wrote a piece on scanning lung calves to catch pneumonia before it's clinical.
May 3, 2021
Free Download: Hints and tips for metacarpal and metatarsal ultrasonography
The metacarpal and metatarsal regions are common sources of pain causing lameness in horses. Ultrasonography is an important imaging modality for...
Nov 3, 2020
Keeping the early pregnancy going in the mare
In this webinar, the world renowned Equine Reproductive specialist Dr. Jonathan F. Pycock BVetMed PhD DESM MRCVS will take you through "Keeping the...
Oct 30, 2020
NEW: Bovine ultrasound reproduction clinical booklet
The booklet aims to help the user understand the key value in using ultrasound for herd fertility management. This clinical booklet has been...

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