Cattle scanning with wireless Easi-Scan:Go Curve

Our IMV team headed West to Lewistown, Montana with Easi-Scan:Go Curve to scan 150 cattle. We partnered with Lewistown Veterinary Clinic to put the Easi-Scan:Go Curve to the test.

With the wireless ultrasound capturing images and videos has never been easier. Catch a glimpse of the morning here.



Featured in the film is Dr. Paul Brady. Dr. Brady is wearing the wireless BUG OLED:Go goggles paired to the Easi-Scan:Go Curve. The wireless goggles are the primary viewing device during this cattle scan. The secondary viewing device was an iPad held by IMV imaging Sales Specialist, Jaimie McCain.

Using the smart device, Jaimie was able to easily record ultrasound videos, review images, annotate, and automatically age the fetus using calipers. 

All of our products are available for free demos and trials. Contact us if you would like to schedule one.

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