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IMV imaging blog

Mar 15, 2017
NEW: Battery lifetime warranty promotion
Buy a new machine and get your batteries warrantied for the life of your machine We are proud to offer a new lifetime warranty on our batteries. This...
Feb 27, 2017
Benefits of bovine ultrasound for veterinarians and producers
At IMV we are determined to provide you with the best equipment to make your job easier. The Easi-Scan machine is an in house manufactured ultrasound...
Feb 20, 2017
Lang may yer lum reek
Lang may yer lum reek (Scottish: May you never be without fuel for your fire!/May you live long and prosper)
Feb 16, 2017
Cody Creelman and IMV team up!
Recently Cody Creelman Cow Vet, helped IMV gain some great ultrasound images. Cody is known for his fun and informative VLOGS about the large animal...
Feb 15, 2017
Share the love giveaway
Valentine’s Day is all about Sharing the love right?
Feb 6, 2017
Exhibition season has officially started
The last couple weeks have been busy for us here at IMV imaging. Our exhibition season for this year has officially started. The first show we...
Jan 24, 2017
New learning article: Screening for OPA in sheep using transthoracic ultrasound
Ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma (OPA) is one of a number of respiratory diseases prevalent in the UK sheep population. It is a disease that can cause...
Jan 9, 2017
Video: The future of the dairy industry - how the role of the veterinarian and ultrasound will change
The dairy industry is more and more driven by technology and big data. Modern dairy farms have changed too and farms are becoming more...
Jan 9, 2017
IMV imaging welcomes our 100th employee in style!
We have reached a fantastic milestone of over 100 of the IMV imaging clan now employed all over the world. From UK, Ireland, France, America, India...

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