Monday, January 9, 2017
To understand how the dairy industry, the role of the veterinarian and ultrasound on the farm will change we interviewed David Black, of Paragon and XLVets.
David Black has a Diploma in Bovine Reproduction is an RCVS Recognised Specialist in Cattle Health and Production, and is currently studying for a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) at Nottingham University. He leads 2 Innovate UK funded projects investigating aspects of advanced breeding in cattle under UK conditions.
David is MD of Paragon, and MD (Farm) of XLVets, a company composed of 54 independent veterinary practices, all committed to the future of British agriculture and working together to deliver "Excellence in Practice". He represents the UK, is Treasurer of the World Association for Buiatrics, and is a non- executive director of the Veterinary Defence Society (VDS).
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