Preventing Early Pregnancy Failure in your Practice

Early pregnancy failure can be a major source of economic loss to the horse breeding industry, and identifying the multifactorial causes involved can be difficult. In this webinar, world renowned equine reproductive specialist Dr. Jonathan F. Pycock BVetMed PhD DESM MRCVS will guide you through the causes and management of early pregnancy failure. Jonathan will show how ultrasound can be utilized to identify signs of early pregnancy loss, as well as discussing when to treat and the different therapies available to manage cases.

Pycock Webinar Early pregnancy failure-2

Save your seat by registering for this free webinar today.

Webinar:  Preventing Early Pregnancy Failure in your Practice
Date:  Thursday, March 11, 2021
Time:  6:00pm - 8:00pm CST
Register:  Register online, here

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