What's going on at AABP?

AABP, the American Association of Bovine Practitioners, is right around the corner. The 52nd annual conference will take place September 12-14 in St. Louis, Missouri. 

We are eager to share with you what will be going on at our IMV imaging stand this year. 

IMV imaging will be announcing three winners of the Easi Money scholarship, each to be awarded $1,000. To apply for the scholarship, students utilized the wireless Easi-Scan:Go paired with the BUG:Go goggles to gather ultrasound images and videos. Each student then submitted these materials to be reviewed by a panel of IMV imaging employees and local veterinarians. Stop by to see who the deserving students are.

Ever heard of virtual reality, or VR? We have developed an on the farm environment for you to try out our wireless ultrasounds on the stand, in virtual reality. How cool is that? 

After you've entered our world of VR, simply post about it, tag us on Facebook or Instagram

Excited yet? We are. Be sure to stop by, say hi, and enjoy all of the fun things we having going on at IMV imaging. See you soon!

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The Next Generation of Scanning Farm Animals Easi Money Scholarship

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