Friday, April 5, 2019
IMV imaging was given the opportunity to tag along with our good friends at Azores Veterinary Clinic in Patterson, California. The objective of the day was to capture brand photography and videography of our new wireless ultrasounds. What we didn't know was the variety of applications and species Dr. Sergio Pereira had set up for our day together.
Kicking off our day, the crew headed to JLG Enterprises bull stud to scan testicles with Easi-Scan:Go. Dr. Pereira regularly scans bulls that are expected to have high performing semen to check for any scar tissues or infections.
Following this, we headed to a dairy goat farm. Initially, the baby goats immediately stole all of our attention eagerly looking for pets and snuggles.
Meanwhile, Dr. Pereira patiently waited, already prepared to scan. For this call he utilized the wireless Duo-Scan:Go Plus for abdominal scanning the goats, viewing the ultrasound image in his wireless BUG:Go goggles.
Capping off our afternoon was a dairy farm. Here, we met up with Dr. Pereira's associate, Dr. Scott Cantor. Although he's a recent graduate, Dr. Cantor was well versed in diagnosing and understanding ultrasounds as soon as he was hired. Dr. Cantor took full advantage of the IMV imaging University Program scheduling a wet lab at St. George's CVM, and using a student loan ultrasound on his externship. Both Dr. Pereira and Dr. Cantor used wireless Easi-Scan:Go paired with BUG:Go goggles to complete the herd check.
Azores Veterinary Clinic was one of our first customers to convert to wireless ultrasounds. Not only has the clinic enjoyed the perks of wireless goggles, but they have utilized the video and photo saving options to share ultrasound images with customers and social media followers. Along with this, Azores continues to give back to the veterinary community by providing externship opportunities to CVM students. The wireless ultrasounds provide an excellent learning platform for externships.
See products used here:
Duo-Scan:Go Plus
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