Friday, January 26, 2018
January has been an exciting month at IMV imaging, as we entered uncharted territory: pork shows. With the launch of the Duo-Scan:Go swine ultrasound scanner, IMV has expanded their exhibition portfolio to now include pork shows.
On January 16-17, IMV attended the Minnesota Pork Congress show in Minneapolis, MN. While the show was relatively small, it was still very informative nonetheless. From walking the show floor and talking with attendees and exhibitors we were able to gain a sense of the major players in the Minnesota pork industry.
The second pork show that IMV attended in January was the Iowa Pork Congress, held at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines January 24-25. This show was considerably larger than the Minnesota Pork Congress with exhibitors and attendees. By exhibiting at Iowa Pork Congress, we were able to gain a better perspective of the pork industry as a whole, and because Iowa is also the leading state of pork production in the United States, many influential producers were in attendance for the show.
In a few weeks IMV will also be exhibiting at the Illinois Pork Expo in Springfield on February 6-7. Illinois is one of the top pork producing states in the United States, so we are hoping for a good turn out for that show as well.
For more information on the Minnesota Pork Congress click here.
For more information on the Iowa Pork Congress click here.
For more information on the Illinois Pork Expo click here.
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