Pig Hill photo shoot

The beginning of August was quite eventful as the IMV imaging marketing team and salesman, Jaimie took a road trip to Pig Hill in Iowa to shoot some brand photography and videos.


                         Pig hill shoot   


Pig Hill’s mission states, “Where people matter and pigs are our passion.” and from the moment we stepped onto the farm, it was evident that this mission was carried throughout the facility. Farm managers Janae and Chet gave us a warm welcome, were our personal guides during the shoot, and even posed in some of the shots.




The photo shoot was focused around IMV imaging’s three swine ultrasound products, the Duo-Scan:Go, Duo-Scan:Go Plus and Imago.S. Pig Hill currently uses the Duo-Scan:Go Plus for preg checking, and was happy to show it in real life farm scenarios for our photos and video footage.




The shoot was not only great for gathering marketing material, but it was also a valuable experience for the marketing team, who were first-timers to a pig farm. BONUS: seeing piglets! Be on the lookout for new photos and a video!   




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