Thursday, November 16, 2017
Operating as an international company can sometimes make communication and personal connections tricky, so whenever we get the chance to meet an IMV colleague from another country it is a special occasion.
This week we had Amandine of IMV France in our office Monday and Tuesday. Amandine is assisting us at the Congrès Vètèrinaire Quèbècois exhibition to communicate with our French-speaking Canadian customers.
However, before heading to Canada we had her stop by our office in Rochester, MN for a few days to meet everyone and see the office. As a global company, it is important for IMV employees to meet and establish an open line of communication with the other countries in which we are located, so this was a beneficial experience for everyone. During Amandine’s visit we had the opportunity to learn about each other’s countries, discuss business, and share ideas.
Thanks for visiting with us Amandine, and we hope to see you again soon!
If you are interested in learning more about the Congrès Vètèrinaire Quèbècois exhibition, you can find information here.
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