SAVMA (Student American Veterinary Medical Association) Symposium
This year IMV imaging was invited to the 2017 SAVMA Symposium at the Texas A&M college in College Station, TX. Gladly did we accept that invitation and flew from our still cold home state Minnesota to warm Texas to help students learn all about our ultrasound through wet labs and a booth.

Did you know that IMV has a great University program? We let students use our ultrasound kit for up to two weeks for free at their externships (depending on the availability of our University machines). We had a blast to inform our students about this opportunity and they were eager to hear about it. We also informed them about our wet labs and lunch and learns that they can request and set up with us.
We had a couple of different promotions running where students could participate and win some free stuff. The students could win up to 100 donuts for one of their classes. In the motto of: “Donut worry. We’ve got you covered!”

Another promotion was to follow us on Facebook or Instagram and get a towel. Tag IMV in a picture and be entered to win a gift basket and a vest. Needless to say, we got some amazing pictures and we had a lot of fun with our students and got to know a lot of them. It is always great to put a face to a name.

We provided two Easi-Scan machines for a bovine wet lab. Students had hands on experience with our ultrasound machines.
We had a great time teaching and showing students our machines as well as letting them know about our University program. We are determined to provide our students with the tools that they will use after graduation. We are excited to participate again next year!

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