In December of 2018, Food Animal Wet Lab Coordinator of Texas A&M CVM, Kale Johnson, reached out to IMV imaging to assist in a student run wet lab taking place in February 2019.
Every year students put on the wet lab for veterinary students to gain additional hands on experiences in the field of food animal medicine. Labs include liver biopsy, small ruminant ultrasound, medical abdominal ultrasound, castration, enucleation, etc. The event is completely student run, including the recruitment of professors, clinicians, and interns to help teach students these valuable skills.
Approximately 120 students from Texas A&M, Oklahoma State, and Tuskegee University attended the wet lab.
IMV imaging supplied small ruminant ultrasounds, including the Duo-Scan:Go and Duo-Scan:Go Plus for the lab.
"I have to say the wet lab was a tremendous success and several people approached me inquiring about your ultrasounds. I informed all of them about your externship program, so hopefully y’all will see an uptick in student requests from TAMU. I was also tremendously impressed with the ultrasounds along with the teaching clinicians. Thank you once again for all your help, and we look forward to working with you again next year!"
Kale Johnson
Food Animal Wet Lab Coordinator
Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine
IMV looks forward to working with you again next year as well, Kale!
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