Join us for our upcoming webinar, Physiology of reproduction in female swine, presented by Dr. Johannes Kauffold, Prof. Dr. Habil. ECPHM, University of Leipzig.
This webinar is one of the three webinars in a series devoted to swine female reproduction and ultrasound. In this webinar we will explore the physiology of reproduction in female swine that will help to understand how ultrasound can be used for pregnancy and fertility work with better understanding of the physiology of the sow. Please join us to find out more about this topic.
Date: Monday, December 20, 2021
Time: 7:00 pm CDT
Register: Online here
Johannes Kauffold
Prof. Dr. Habil. ECPHM
University of Leipzig
Dr. Johannes Kauffold graduated from the University of Leipzig in 1995. He was awarded the Dr. Medicinae Veterinariae (Dr of Vet Med) degree in 1996, and in 2005, the Dr. Habilitatus and the “Private Docent” (PD) in the field of “Physiology and Pathology of Reproduction” at the same University. In 2003, he became a member of the German board of “Reproduction” and of “Swine”, and in 2007 a Diplomat of the European College Porcine Health Management (ECPHM).
Between 1995 and 2007, Kauffold joined the Large Animal Clinic for Theriogenology and Ambulatory Services at the same University. Between 2007 and 2011 he joined the Department of Clinical Studies –University of Pennsylvania, as visiting scholar, and then as a Clinical Assistant Professor for Swine System Medicine. Since January 2011 he is back to Leipzig where he now works as a professor for population and reproductive medicine. His research interest includes physiology and pathology of reproduction in swine.
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