NA IMV imaging blog

University of Illinois Lunch & Lab

Written by Bethany McCain | Nov 9, 2021 7:49:06 PM

IMV imaging proudly sponsor lunches and wet labs for Colleges of Veterinary Medicine to provide educational experiences to students prior to entering the workforce. This past week IMV imaging sponsored a University of Illinois Therio Club lunch and wet lab. The team first provided a virtual presentation over lunch to the entire Therio Club, complete with educational ultrasound images and video clips. 

Following the lecture, Club members arranged a wet lab on campus. The first lab specialized in equine reproduction. Club organizer, Mikayla, coordinated horses, instructors, and of course the location. IMV Sales Specialist, Jaimie McCain brought the equine ultrasound scanners and provided any technical support needed.  Students experienced scanning with the ExaPad mini and ExaGo, and focused on identifying reproductive structures.

Some of the wet lab attendees experienced their first time scanning a mare while at the lab.  All were very eager to get some hands on experience with the equipment.

Following the equine wet lab, student and instructors met at the university farm to scan cows. Here, students scanned for pregnancies and saw a range of fetal ages, from 35 days to 100+ days. The group even identified the gender of the calf fetus while practicing.

"Thank you so much for coming to show us your machines and letting us get some hands on experience!! I personally learned a lot and I really appreciate the opportunity you gave us today!"
Mikayla Diedrick, Illinois Student Chapter of the Society for Theriogenology, Vice President

If you are interested in scheduling a sponsored lab and lunch for your university, please submit this form.


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