NA IMV imaging blog

Complete Thoracic Ultrasound

Written by Euciel Huerta | Jun 21, 2021 4:00:34 PM

Thoracic ultrasound is a diagnostic tool which can be easily utilized on the farm to gain additional information about pulmonary pathology in dairy calves. A complete thoracic ultrasound examination extends from cranial thorax to caudal thorax; each intercostal space (ICS) should be examined from the dorsal to ventral extent on both the left and right sides. Early abnormalities associated with pneumonia can be visualized using thoracic ultrasound include the identification of B-lines and/or lung rockets disrupting the pleural line and thickening of the pleural line itself. 

For more in-depth information, make sure to follow our three-part article:

Part. 1: Thoracic ultrasonography to aid diagnosis of pneumonia in calves


Part. 2:  Thoracic ultrasonography to ai diagnosis of pneumonia in calves pt. 2


Part. 3: Thoracic ultrasonography to aid diagnosis of pneumonia in calves pt. 3 

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