Washington State University CVM Agriculture Animal Club maximized their opportunity to use wireless Easi-Scan:Go bovine ultrasounds during their IMV sponsored Lab & Lunch. Summer Ott, President Elect, organized for the club to host a wet lab that rectally scanned cows for pregnancy, along with thoracic ultrasound to look for lung consolidation in calves.
Ott shared her ultrasound videos of lung consolidation, displayed below.
Ott explained, "In these three videos we spotlighted areas of lung consolidation, which is that comet-tail structure moving back and forth across the screen. In another video you can see some lung consolidation right by the heart, which is also that structure moving quickly across the screen."
According to the study of Thoracic ultrasound assessment of lung consolidation at weaning in Holstein dairy heifers: Reproductive performance and survival, heifers without lung consolidation tended to have improved pregnancy to first artificial insemination (62.0%) compared with heifers with lung consolidation (52.5%) (Teixeira, 1).
The study also reports, heifers with lung consolidation at weaning were less likely to get pregnant and more likely to be culled before their first parturition that heifers without lung consolidation (Teixeira, 1).
Washington State University CVM was extremely grateful for their opportunity to advance ultrasound skills using our wireless Easi-Scan:Go.
If you are interested in scheduling the use of wireless ultrasound at your upcoming wet lab, please sign up here.
For additional bovine educational content, please see our veterinary learning page.
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