NA IMV imaging blog

AABP 2019 | IMV imaging USA

Written by Admin | Sep 19, 2019 11:00:00 PM

Thursday, September 12th marked the first day of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners trade show. AABP staff opened the trade show hall doors and our IMV employees witnessed a flood of attendees headed straight to our booth. Really, what more could we ask for?

Attendees quickly formed a line at the corner of our IMV imaging space to wait their turn to ultrasound scan cows in virtual reality. Truly, the cleanest experience you'll ever have scanning cows. Attendees put on the virtual reality goggle immersing themselves in a virtual farm space. Instantly, they left behind the buzzing trade show hall in exchange for green pastures, with cows mooing.

Virtual reality players got to choose between a dairy or beef farm experience. Once they made their selection they were given the opportunity to scan three cows and diagnose the ultrasound. Following their diagnosis players received their score for correctly diagnosed ultrasounds.

All players were given one of our beloved IMV imaging cow hats for participating.

Attendees were then able to walk through our booth to see the latest innovations in ultrasound and artificial insemination. 

The AABP conference continues to be a cherished one, where the team is able to catch up with current customers and meet so many other bovine veterinarians.

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