NA IMV imaging blog

World Dairy Expo 2019 | IMV imaging USA

Written by Admin | Oct 7, 2019 11:00:00 PM

Our week at World Dairy Expo began with a plethora of students eager to learn more about the dairy industry. Piles of FFA groups, secondary students, and college students bounded off their busses and filled the aisles of the expo. Most of which were assigned to learn details about the industry while there. IMV imaging were asked very engaging questions, such as, "What are your business goals for 2020" or "How does your product impact the dairy industry?"

Following the wave of students were attendees from all over the world. We spoke with a variety of industry leaders that flew in from China, Pakistan, Sweden, truly, the variety of attendees that make this event a World Dairy Expo.

Along with these attendees were Americans from coast to coast looking for the latest in the dairy industry. The IMV imaging and IMV Technologies crew were delighted to spend time with the diverse group of people, all with the similarity of sharing a passion for dairy cows.

Until next year, World Dairy Expo, thank you for the cherished time!

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