NA IMV imaging blog

SAVMA symposium | IMV imaging USA

Written by Admin | Apr 25, 2019 11:00:00 PM


"Thank you so much again for sending the ultrasounds for our lab! And thank you and Tom for giving the lunch lecture last Thursday. The lab went really good! All of the students got to try out the ultrasounds and Dr. Lima was excited to try out the Easi Scan Go. The picture is REALLY nice!"

-Laura Glazik, University of Illinois CVM

IMV imaging gladly sponsors wet labs at Colleges of Veterinary Medicine throughout the year. If you are interested in scheduling one, please submit your request here.

The University of Illinois CVM were able to use two Easi-Scan ultrasounds, goggles, and remote displays in addition to trying out our new wireless ultrasound, Easi-Scan:Go and BUG:Go goggles.

Laura Glazik comments on her experience, "We didn't need to use the app at the lab since we have enough machines to go around but I used it Saturday at my farm to preg check some gilts and the app was slick! Everyone loved being able to see the image as I was seeing it through the goggles. I was worried it might lag or be blurry but it looked just as good as it did through the goggles. And all the students were excited about being able to rent IMV ultrasounds for externships."

If you would like to be a part of our student loan program and utilized an Easi-Scan kit on your externship, please fill out the form here.

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