NA IMV imaging blog

Meet the Duo-Scan:Go Plus | IMV imaging USA

Written by Admin | Jul 4, 2018 11:00:00 PM

Last year IMV imaging released the Duo-Scan:Go, a wireless ultrasound scanner designed for pigs, sheep and goats. This year we are excited to announce the arrival of the newest addition to our Go family, the Duo-Scan:Go Plus.


This preg-checker features a 64 crystal probe, which is double its predecessor, the Duo-Scan:Go. Double the crystals means a clearer image and makes identifying pregnancies quicker and easier.

Along with its enhanced image, Duo-Scan:Go Plus also has the following features:  

  • Measures back fat
  • Wireless connection via SoundLinkTM
  • Multiple viewing device options available
  • Lightweight yet durable design
  • Fully sealed all-in-one unit meets biosecurity standards


For more information on the Duo-Scan:Go Plus contact us at 507-529-8200 or


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