After a hiatus in 2017, the University Contest returned this year for two weeks of fun during March! A total of six universities competed for the grand prize of a new Easi-Scan kit: Michigan State, University of Montreal, Kansas State, Cornell University, University of Wisconsin and University of Illinois. The first week of the contest, teams were tasked with writing a clinical article on an ultrasound-related topic and were given scores on their articles by some of our sales guys, an international vet and a local vet. During the second week, the teams were asked to make a short creative video about why they deserve to win the Easi-Scan kit. The public was then asked to vote for their favorites, and the winner was determined by combining the scores from the clinical article with the number of votes received on the videos. After tallying up all the points and votes, Michigan State came out victorious! Their creative Top Gun themed video got a great reception, and you can watch it below:
The other teams showcased their creativity in their videos as well, check them out below!
University of Wisconsin
Cornell University
University of Illinois
University of Monreal
Kansas State University
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