NA IMV imaging blog

World Dairy Expo 2017 | IMV imaging USA

Written by Admin | Oct 12, 2017 11:00:00 PM


We had a great turnout for World Dairy Expo 2017 in Madison, WI! Total attendance at the show this year was 68,710 with 2,752 international guests from 97 different countries.  

Members from our North America sales and marketing team were accompanied by Craig Hoines and Natalia Kononova from our Scotland office. They offered their expertise and foreign language skills to accommodate international attendees.



We met and chatted with many international attendees from countries including: China, Denmark, Japan, Mexico, Taiwan, Brazil, England, and many more! They were excited to hear about our newest product, the Easi-Scan:Go and how it will increase efficiency on their farms.



To learn more about World Dairy Expo click here. We look forward to seeing you October 2-6, 2018 for the next one!  

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