NA IMV imaging blog

Lang may yer lum reek | IMV imaging USA

Written by Admin | Feb 20, 2017 12:00:00 AM

Lang may yer lum reek (Scottish: May you never be without fuel for your fire!/May you live long and prosper)

IMV is a global company that has been growing quite fast in the last couple of years. Needless to say that there now is close to 17 marketing personnel throughout the world. This can be quite tricky with communication, especially if you don’t know everyone in the team. So the headquarters decided to invite everyone in the marketing department for a week of marketing team building in Scotland which was held the same week as the annual conference.

The North America office sent their two marketers Katy and Bettina to represent their office.

They were looking at a fulfilled week of learning and interaction with their Scottish co-workers.

The first thing they did when they arrived in Scotland on Sunday morning was to visit the castle in Edinburgh.

They were in awe during the sightseeing visit since the old town of Edinburgh had quite the charm. Having a jetlag, they went to bed pretty early to be ready for the educational as well as fun-filled week ahead of them.

Monday, January 16th in the morning, the IMV marketing team from North America got to see the production process of the Easi-Scan and even got to put together one of the Bug goggles (with supervision of course). In the afternoon they witnessed how the headquarters deals with their service calls.


On the second day in the main office Katy and Bettina learned how the customer care team is the heart of the communication with the customers. The two guys (Steven Hayre and Craig Thorburn) in the care team as well as their manager (Scott Cowan) are very friendly and willing to help as best as they can.

After meeting the friendly customer care team, it went on to the supply chain. Here they found some things that the marketing team could bring back to the USA in order to improve their storage and handling of materials to supply a fast turnaround for the customers located in North America.

Wednesday and Thursday of the educational week was all about marketing and how the different marketer’s all over the globe are able to work together and can help each other with some of their obstacles that they experience in their market. On Wednesday night they worked out their issues on the slope in the ski hall of Snow Factor.

Finally, on Friday January 20th, was the big event: the IMV annual conference. At this event people from all over the world participated and interacted with each other. The morning consisted of an interesting update about the company with exciting new products coming soon as well as a group activity that they had to present. In the afternoon the IMV team was turned into a band and played their drums as loud or low as they can. The evening was all about having fun and enjoying each other’s company. People received an award for their work, even the general manager, Carl Bollum, of the USA got recognized for his effort in making a huge difference.

For more information, give us a call at (507) 529-8200 or send us an email at

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