NA IMV imaging blog

Exhibition season has officially started | IMV imaging USA

Written by Admin | Feb 6, 2017 12:00:00 AM

The last couple weeks have been busy for us here at IMV imaging. Our exhibition season for this year has officially started. The first show we attended was Nebraska Veterinary Medical Association (NVMA), this show was held in Lincoln, NE. The second show we attended was National Cattleman Beef Association (NCBA) in Nashville, TN.

The day before the Nebraska trip, the Midwest got hit with a winter storm. What was supposed to be a 6-hour trip, turned into a 9-hour trip. Thankfully once we made it to Nebraska the weather was fine. Once at the show, we had a great time talking to everyone about some of our products!


Our second show held in Nashville was one of our bigger shows. With over 7,000 attendees, we had some great conversations. We even showed off our new mounting option for the BUG goggles. This mounting option is perfect for sunny days or when you’re wearing your hair up. To learn more about the BUG hat please contact us.


Overall, we had a great time exhibiting at these shows and can’t wait for our next couple shows. To take a look at where we will be exhibiting next click here.

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