NA IMV imaging blog

Video: The future of the dairy industry - Data Collection on large farms | IMV imaging USA

Written by Admin | Aug 8, 2017 11:00:00 PM



This time we talked to Curt Nelson, DVM, MS with Goodhue Veterinary Clinic, PLLC. He believes that the changes in the dairy industry have already started. There is more vet technicians that are doing the day to day things that veterinarians used to do.

Another big challenge that he is dealing with right now that just went into effect in the U.S. on January 1st was the regulation of over the counter antibiotics and antibiotics in feed grade medicine and oral water treatment. He thinks there’s going to be more of that regulation on the antibiotics front. 

Veterinarians need to be come more of a consultant and educate their clients with their knowledge in order to make the farms more sustainable and more productive in order to make them more profitable for the industry.

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